Hello and welcome
My name is Alithea.
I teach Mindfulness and Mindfulness in Nature: Shinrin Yoku.
My approach is to support you in establishing a connection with a deeper, calmer, more compassionate self.
Life can bring many challenges, I believe that we all have inherent resources, but these remain masked by our busy mind. Mindfulness reveals our innate resilience and inner wisdom.
Mindfulness can reveal a place that is not reliant on outer conditions, but an inner place that is naturally intelligent and kind.
When we can access this place, we feel deeply connected in our lives, this happens because we have first connected with ourselves.

“Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives. It is about perceiving the exquisite vividness of each moment.
We also gain immediate access to our own powerful inner resources for insight, transformation, and healing.”
We all come with our bundle of obstacles and our bundle of longings.
The two begin to weigh heavy as we try to juggle their contents. “I wish I were happier, healthier, kinder... I just need to sort my relationships, my work, my life out... hoping for some sort of balance, if only things were different, I would be alright”.
Caught in this endless loop we become more and more restricted, our world smaller and smaller.
As our vision narrows in on “What is wrong and why can't I make it right?”

This can seem like a challenging phrase for us when we are suffering.
Our instincts might implore us to try harder to sort it out, or we might zone out by dulling the pain with alcohol, food, TV...
Mindfulness offers another way.
A way that is self-nurturing.
Mindfulness gently invites us to hold our experience with a wise and kind heart and shows us that what is holding our experience is already present, already Whole.
In this way, we stop the endless struggle and come home to ourselves to discover that we are more than we ever thought...and that we are alright.

Find out more about what I offer, and how it is a little different:

MBCT course with a Mindful retreat day

Mindfulness for Relaxation courses and other events
Mindfulness in Nature: Shinrin Yoko

“Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you”,